Some of the more interesting stories recently include…
Read moreI am a little bit “obsessive compulsive” (OBC) and this means when I start doing some odd thing or other I may have a compulsion to keep doing it over and over. For instance, about 20 years or so back Pat and I started going by the City Park every morning to pick up beer bottles and put trash in the garbage can. This puzzles some citizens and twice I have been flagged down and asked how much I get off the aluminum cans. I have no idea since I just trash can them. But now the city picks them up. So I don’t. Of course, whenever I pass the park on my golf cart I still feel a sort of need to check it out.
Read moreValley Forge has become a place linked in the American mind with the virtues of courage, perseverance, and loyalty to cause. Some 9,000 of George Washington’s troops went into camp there in the late autumn of 1777. By the time the snows of winter were gone, only 6,000 remained. Here is a story of heroic resolve of ordinary men, as well as an example of how faith helped one extraordinary man lead the rest through.
Read moreThink about is… Seriously If you think you are smarter than the previous generation… 50 years ago, the owner’s manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today, it warns you NOT to drink the contents of the battery.
Read moreBefore dissecting these words and deciding whether what he said is justified, let us look back at the kind of life Robert Clay Allison lived. Even though he was leading a simple life, he sometimes had to fight in the Civil War as a gunfighter.
Read moreRecently, we celebrated Decoration Day. Sunday,
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