Harry Truman I wrote a story last week about one of my most favorite presidents, FDR. But I remember Harry Truman, too. But who was he? Why had Roosevelt kept him hid? Was he hiding in his basement, like Joe Biden during the early part of our last election? The truth? Roosevelt had given little thought to his mortality and served right to the end like he would just live forever.
Read moreDuring these summer months of 2022 we’ll for sure remember how hot it was. And is. Many of you took trips this summer to our National Parks and not a few even made a trip to Washington, DC. Well, I didn’t—not this year anyway.
Read moreIt’s real hot! This red-hot July weather makes one wonder why we dread the winter. But we do and that is just human nature. It’s just hard to imagine cold weather in Allen right now. What I do remember is that July is a time for the kin to come and visit. I remember over at Stonewall in the 1940s some of our California kin who had migrated out to the golden west during WW-II would come home for a visit and they were good times for me. Nowadays its somewhat different. But not much.
Read moreNot Hardly, but I do have some good news. August is just around the corner and why is that good? August brings shorter days which mean less of that blistering sunshine. But will shorter days bring cooler temperatures? Well, not really. Some of our hottest days seems to come in August. Remember them? The locus start singing and many trees start to shed leaves. And breezes become scarce and almost priceless.
Read moreI just read in the Daily Oklahoman that almost 60% of citizens in their poll are in favor of forgiving all college debts. These are debts that many students take out to pay for their college educations. This sort of reasoning is fairly normal the way citizens of this great country view money—in particular “government money.”
Read moreI was driving my golf cart around Allen last week and was looking to see what Allen folks are doing this summer. Contrary to what a passersby might think, Allen is a pretty busy place. Lots of people are busy getting ready for their vacations and some are already back from theirs. I drove by the swimming pool down at the park and a happy bunch of kids were doing their best to stay cool and have fun under the blazing mid-summer sun. And yes, that’s great and fun way to beat the heat. And boy. Allen does get really hot here in July.
Read moreJune brings on something called July. And this July will be just like a lot of other Julys. Hot. Real hot. Makes me remember the July of 1943. When I was “stuck” down on Goat Ridge in Leflore County at my grandparents. And July 4 th was coming up. Not that anyone down there seemed to notice. In later years Gerald would compare Grandpa to the Jap general who commanded the slave labor in the movie about building the Bridge Over the River Kwai. We of course were the hapless prisoners of war. Slave labor if you will.
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