The Allen Masonic Lodge will be holding a Mother’s Day dinner on Sunday, May 12th . This is a fundraiser with money raised being used to fund scholarships for Allen
Read moreMonday Steak Fingers, Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Carrots, Dinner Rolls, Margarine, Gravy, Spice Cake, Milk, Water, Tea Tuesday Cheeseburger with Pickle, Lettuce, Tomato & Onion, French Fries, Baked Beans, Mayo, Mustard,
Read moreDIVORCE Rachel Mike Driggers vs. Jack Ray Driggersdissolution of marriage TRAFFIC Amber Danielle Branch—speeding 16-20 mph over limit Repak Budhathokispeeding 16-20 mph over limit Callie Anne Crabtreespeeding 1-10 mph over
Read moreFELONIES Zachariah Semon Larry—robbery by force or fear Jimmy Drew Lucas—abuse by caretaker Cody Lane Story—child abuse by injury MISDEMEANORS Melissa Jo Anderson—actual physical control of vehicle under the infl
Read moreFELONIES Nathaniel Nathan Nash—bringing contraband into jail/penal institution Richard Allen Winn—burglary in the fi rst degree MISDEMEANORS Zerndorff Billy—bringing contraband into penal institution Nancy Lynn Nash—assault & battery MARRIAGE Emery
Read morePre-K Student of the Week from Mrs. Laxton’s class is Remi Wainscott. Remi was born March 21, 2014 in Ada. Her family is dad Wesley Wainscott and mom Trisha Wainscott.
Read moreThese 4 seniors (top left Aaron Dockery, top right Hunter Simpson, Bottom Left TaDyn Walker Bottom right Trapper Simpson) head to Districts tomorrow in Vanoss. Allen plays Rush Springs at
Read moreThe Gerty Fire Department will be sponsoring a 2-Man Pond Hop Bass Tournament on Saturday, April 27th . Fishing will be from sunrise to 3:00 pm. The $50 team entry
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